Our management’s philosophy and way of thinking drives us to use the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as the framework of our activities and actions and align with them, overall, as a company.
In Energean, we realize that by being an energy company we have a greater impact on specific SDGs. Thus, we make sure that we achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals to the best of our ability:
- Energean engages in the activities of “Together for Children” - an association of NGOs in the field of
child welfare - in Athens, Greece - Donated school equipment in partnership with Lev Chash NGO, Israel
- Energean cooperates with “Boroume” (”We Can”) - NGO that fights food waste - in Athens and Kavala, Greece
- Donation of Super Market Gift Vouchers for the Easter Table, Kavala, Greece
- Donation of food platters to the COVID-19 medical teams of Rambam Hospital - Haifa, Israel
- Donation of food boxes to the local branch of the Red Cross - Bar, Montenegro
- Donation of food packages to elderly and lonely people, in collaboration with the local NGO "Lev Chash" - Haifa, Israel
- Zero injuries to Energean employees in 2020.
- Zero work related illnesses to persons working at Energean sites in 2020.
- 12 million manhours with no Lost Time Injuries (LTI) in our FPSO hull construction, Zhoushan, China.
- 2 million manhours with no Lost Time Injuries (LTI) in all Energean sites.
- Donated a Molecular Control Diagnostic Device (PCR) to the General Hospital of Kavala.
- Supported the creation of protection face shields against COVID-19, invented by the engineers of the University of Thessaly.
- Donated COVID-19 Medical Kits to the Israeli National Emergency Pre-Hospital and Blood Services Organisation (MDA).
- Participated in "One Hand", and initiative by Egypt Oil & Gas, to provide medical supplies and equipment needed by the Egyptian Ministry of Health, to face COVID-19 challenges.
- Organised "Run for our Local Healthcare Heroes" initiative, to raise money for front-line workers tackling COVID-19 in all our areas of operation.
- Participated in and initiative by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the Food Bank, securing medical supplies for hospitals and vulnerable & remote communities.
- Offered paid internships to 14 college students in Greece
- Organised three environmental webinars in Greece, Montenegro and Israel - In celebration of World Environment Day.
- Energean provided international academic scholarships and financial aid to 6 college students
- Energean became a strategic partner with Chemecon (non-profit association of Young Chemical Engineers)
- Awarded 4 Clean Energy scholarships to students at the University of Haifa an the Technion.
- Female Chairperson
- Percentage of women in Senior Management: 42%
- Percentage of women in Board of Directors: 33%
- Increased the overall percentage of women at Energean for a consecutive year from 13% to 15%
- Energean recycled more than 92% of the water withdrawals in its production sites
- Energean is a 70% gas focused company
- Number of employees α: 620
- Number of nationalities of employees and contractors: 23
- Energean supports “Etgarim” (Israel), an NGO for rehabilitation of disabled adults and children through outdoor sports
- Energean teams up with the Israeli Paralympic Committee
- Energean supports 3 Paralympic swimmers in Israel
- Energean supports the Association of Paraplegics and Disabled people of the Ileia Prefecture, Southwest Greece
- During the year of 2020, all Energean employees completed training webinars regarding Equal Opportunities, Diversity and inclusion.
- Held a webinar for all employees titled "The Journey to Tokyo Paralympic Games": an open conversation with three Israeli Paralympic swimmers, raising awareness for people with disabilities.
- Initiated the campaign "Energean Unathlon of Inclusion" to promote awareness and support the rights of people with disabilities.
- Energean was the grand sponsor of the 4rd Dodoni Festival - a summer Cultural Festival - Ioannina, Western Greece
- Energean donated firefighting equipment for a large-scale Fire Service response training drill at Energean’s
onshore facilities in Kavala, Greece (2019) - Energean sponsored “KALPAKIA 2019” and honored the heroes of World War II in Ioannina, Greece
- Energean sponsored the 2019 Israeli Offshore Regatta by Carmel Sailing Community - NGO that develops the sailing
community in Haifa, Israel - Continued to support the Hof HaCarmel Regional Council in promoting community and environmental projects (Israel, 2020)
- Neve Yam beach was awarded a "Blue Flag", the first in the Regional Council of Hof HaCarmel, in collaboration with Energean (Israel, 2020)
- Energy management system established in Energean production sites within the environmental management system accredited to ISO 14001
- Energean recycled more than 92% of the wastes generated during 2020 in its production sites
- Energean pledges to become a net-zero emitter by 2050
- Energean commits to set science-based targets aligned with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels
- Reported to Carbon Disclosure Project receiving a B- score in climate change and a B score in suppliers' engagement.
- Aligned reporting to the TCFD recommendations.
- Energean's CEO, called on UK Prime Minister for a green COVID-19 recovery using the SDG's.
- Successful roll out of 'green electricity' at Prinos in Greece, our premises in Israel and the EDINA operative site in Croatia.
- Became the sole sponsor of the "Climate Track" field at the "Start-ups Go Global" competition, in partnership with EIT Hub Israel.
- Zero oil spills during 2020, while maintaining a completely clear record since the beginning of our operations
- World Environment Day: Energean sponsors Sharks Live Viewing - viewpoint of Hadera, Israel
- Energean supports the educational program “Protecting the Sea” in Furadis, Israel
- Installed "ODYSSEA" platform, a deep-water marine data monitoring system, on out "Kappa" natural gas production platform - Prinos, South Kavala, Greece.
- Zero environmental damage during 2020, while maintaining a completely clear record since the beginning of
our operations - World Environment Day: Nestos River - Beach Clean Up & signing of a Telemetric Stations MoU
- World Environment Day: Beach and Seabed Clean Up, City and Marina of Bar - Montenegro
- Maintenance of Telemetric Stations in surface waters of Nestos River Delta, Lakes Vistonida-Ismarida and Thassos Island Management Body - Northeastern Greece.
- Continued support for the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority in protecting and conserving Israel's nature, landscapes and heritage sites, through educational programs on nature preservation.
- Supported Tirat Hacarmel Municipality in a National Emergency Response Drill (Israel)
Energean collaborated with:
- United Nations Global Compact
- “Etgarim” (NGO for rehabilitation of disabled adults and children through outdoor sports - Israel
- “Boroume” (“We Can”) - Athens & Kavala, Greece
- Chemecon (Non-profit association of young Chemical Engineers) - Athens, Greece
- Management body of the Nestos River Delta, Lakes Vistonida -Ismarida and Thassos Island, Greece
- Israeli Paralympic Committee
- Bodossaki Foundation - a well-known charity and public benefit foundation in Greece
- Carmel Sailing Community - NGO that develops the sailing community in Haifa, Israel
- Municipality of Pogoni - Ioannina, Greece
- Nature and Parks Authority - Israel
- Rabin Elementary School - Nesher, Israel
- School of Special Vocational Education and Training - Kavala, Greece
- Association of Paraplegics and Disabled people of the Ileia Prefecture, Southwestern Greece
- “Together for Children” - an association of NGOs in the field of child welfare in Athens, Greece
- UN Global Working Group participation
- Maala, a non-profit, CSR standards-setting organisation in Israel.
- Sembcorp Marine Ltd, TechnipFMC & Sub-Con: Environmental Campaign "Say no to Plastics" - Israel
- Red Cross - Local branch in the city of Bar, Montenegro.
- Medical Association of Kavala, Greece.
- Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), Department of Environmental Engineering - Xanthi, Greece.
- EIT Hub Israel, under the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
- University of Thessaly: The Mechanical Engineering Department and the Pulmonary Clinic of the University - Volos & Larissa, Greece.
- Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel's National Emergency Pre-Hospital Medical and Blood Services Organization.
- The University of Haifa and the Technion - Israel
- "Ozon", and Environmental NGO - Montenegro