Health & Safety

Health and Safety has been at the heart of Energean since the very first day the company commenced operations in the Mediterranean. And we are proud of our HSE track record and our achievements! 

In November 2020, Sembcorp Marine’s Admiralty Yard was awarded a Safety and Health Award Recognition for Projects (“SHARP”) for Safety Excellence for Energean's Karish Project.  The project has completed 5.5 million-man hours with no LTIs in Singapore so far. 

Earlier in 2020, 12 million man-hours with no Lost Time Injuries (LTI) were completed in the Karish Development Project in total, namely in the "Energean Power" FPSO construction in China, Singapore and other sites, the offshore drilling campaign in Israel and Energean sites in Israel as well.

Moreover, 2 million man hours free of LTI's have been completed in Energean sites in Greece. 

"Energean Power" FPSO suction anchors installation, israel                      E-HOUSE LIFT ON TO "ENERGEAN POWER" FPSO, SINGAPORE

 Zero work-related illnesses were suffered during 2019. We take all necessary steps to ensure the health of our personnel. 

An annual health programme is implemented for all employees, to assure on the one hand there is no impact suffered related to their work and on the other hand that they maintain the highest level of health.

All employees and contractors hold medical fitness certificates relevant to the requirements of their position.

We apply a systematic process for the selection and management of suppliers and contractors achieving during 2019 Contractors’ Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) of 0.28 and Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) of 0.84.

Employees’ and Contractors’ Key Performance Indicators related to injuries have significantly improved during the last years creating descending Lost Time Injury Frequency and Total Recordable Injury Rate treadlines.   


Health & Safety Leading and Lagging Indicators are formally monitored to inform us on the necessity of potential corrective actions.

Leading Indicators monitored include Leadership Visits, Managerial Walk-throughs, HSE Audits, Hazard Identification (HAZID) Observations, Drills & Exercises (more than 1000, 150, 2500, 22000 and 650 respectively during 2019 in all sites working for Energean).

Lagging Indicators monitored include Man-hours worked, Number of Lost Time Injuries (LTI), Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF), Number of Total Recordable Injuries (TRI), Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) and Fatal Accident Rate (FAR), (14.3MM, 4, 0.28, 12, 0.84 and 0 respectively during 2019 in all sites working for Energean).





Our Health & Safety Management System isbased on an iterative process founded on the concept of a classic  ‘Plan-Do-Assess-Adjust’ cycle and comprising three distinct tiers of documents; tier I, H&S MS and H&S Policies; tier II, H&S standards, procedures and guidelines; tier II, method statements, records of compliance’




Our Health & Safety Management System is regularly reviewed and forms an integral part of our corporate management procedures providing all necessary means for achieving the highest H&S performance.




Energean has developed and implements a Health Safety Environmental (HSE) & Social Responsibility (SR) policy that sets out corporate values, standards and expectations with respect to all HSE & SR matters in relation to company’s employees, partners, stakeholders, general public, environment and sustainable development.

Energean’s commitments to these areas are broadly communicated through the updated  HSE & SR Policy that takes into consideration present-day occupational, social and environmental concerns.